Alcoholism is one of the most difficult problems of modern society. Alcohol and its effect on the body is a matter of discussion, scientists from various fields who are trying to establish the reasons for the rapid growth of the disease, ways of removing people from this state, as well as risk factors development tendencies and regular use of alcoholic drinks.

First, alcohol-induced changes in the internal organs are not characterized by a sharp violation of their functionality. Ale z watch the effect of alcohol on the human increases, resulting and acute disorders in the operation of vital systems of the body and breaking the chains of the complex mechanisms of neurohumoral regulation.
Features of the mechanism of action
How does alcohol do to the body? Once in the stomach, alcohol is almost absorbed lightning fast into the bloodstream. Small people know, Hello spirits begin to decompose in the mouth, so the blood becomes saturated with alcohol from the first minutes of its contact with the body. From this moment begins the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body. About 20% of the alcohol neutralizing the enzymes liver alcohol dehydrogenase, containing added spirit, deactivating the toxins of the substance.
The bulk of the alcohol continues to operate in the small intestine. This is where the alcohol gets into all the water areas of the body, then partially excreted through sweat, urine, saliva and the like, and partially oxidized and for a few Zen to accumulate in most organs. During this period, alcohol works like venom, slowly poisoning all the cells of a whole, influencing the development of man, his mental state and functionality of internal structures.
Effects of alcohol on the systems and organs
The harmful effects of alcohol on the human body is shown not only in impaired function of the brain and liver. Alcoholism has a negative effect on all organs and systems of the human body. In short, the regular use of alcohol completely destroy the model of the normal functioning of the patient, disastrous effect on his full life and phenomena are one of the main causes of death among people of working age.
The effect on the psyche
Probably each of us know how alcohol affects the human psyche. Heavy drinkers people can experience hallucinations, overwhelming anxiety, apathy, depression. Alcoholics have completely lost "me". These people become antisocial, little attention is paid to their appearance and no longer worry about the everyday human eye care, family care and the like.

The effects of alcohol on the human body
Skin stage may, according to certain symptoms and distinctive features. All of them providing 4.
For the initial stage is characterized by a gradual increase in intake of alcohol, the formation of dependence and influence of alcohol on a psychological level.
In the second stage of the phenomenon is the desire to increase the dose of alcohol. Dependence develops on a physical level.
On the third - the destruction of the physical and psycho-emotional level, the formation of dementia.
The fourth stage is not treatable and leads to the death of the dependent. Is the failure of the systems of the body, death.
25 reasons not to drink
Many people don't see anything wrong with drinking alcohol in the evening, at weekends or during the holidays. Ale small who have a sense of proportion and will power. And harmless at first glance, the hobby turns into a habit. In this paper, we provide 25 reasons of refusal of alcohol, discusses the dangers of alcohol and its impact on the human body.
- Alcohol is the cause of many diseases, meanness, lack of discipline, wasted talent, senseless conflict and poverty.
- It's hard to find a greater evil than alcohol which so persistently and ruthlessly upset the health of millions of people so dramatically would destroy all tissues and organs of the human body (especially the cerebral cortex), the mind and personality of the person, bringing him to the end so early death. The insidiousness of this poison is that serious consequences a hell of alcohol not come immediately, gradually, imperceptibly.
- On the impact of alcohol on the life of the person telling the following facts: 50 percent of the accidents, 1/3 of suicides, 80 percent of the deaths from cancer of the oral cavity and esophagus occurs due to alcohol abuse.
- As a result of research conducted using the latest technology, the Australian scientists came to the conclusion that among alcoholics and among moderate users, there is a gradual decrease and shrinkage of the brain. A glass of alcohol kills our brain 1000-2000 cells. These data were confirmed in 95% of alcoholics and 85% of moderate users.
- Studies have proven that the probability of having a healthy person drinking 15 times less than in nondrinkers, the death rate of their children 5 times higher and morbidity is higher in 3.5 times (note we are talking only about drinking, not about alcoholics). Alcohol affects more children and th birth. Even in families of moderate drinkers of alcohol have babies with delayed development, Razumova underdeveloped, even dead. Because of attachment and alcohol and drugs women in America alone every day give birth to thousands of premature babies. Drinking parents are the worst thieves, stealing from their own children the happiness of future discoveries, happiness to live a full life (for F. G. Uglova).
- Experiments on chicken eggs, showed the following: 160 eggs laid in the incubator in the shed, in the basement of which was brewed alcohol. Alcohol acted on the eggs. When the time came we have the following result: the Chicks hatched only half, 40 of them are viable, 25 mutants (no beak, no claws, etc.).
- If you suffer the human genetic code, the danger to an entire generation. In our time the violation of the genetic code 96% is due to a variety of drugs (alcohol, cigarettes, and other drugs).
- Alcohol, like drug is harmful in all forms and at any dose for the human body, because it acts like morphine or marijuana, that is, creates the illusion of goodness and happiness, bringing the irreparable harm, like any other poison.
- According to the who (world Health Organization), every third person on earth dies from causes related to alcohol consumption, one fifth from causes related to Smoking. So, from these causes in Russia, we lose almost half a million people per year, 20 times the number of victims of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
- Prohibition more than 10 years successfully operated in what was then Russia. During this period reduced the number of patients, emptied prisons, peace in families, in the homes of the phenomenon was the abundance. All these data can be checked and the great medical encyclopedia and many scientific works that hour.
- Assurances of some inveterate drunks that after drinking, they feel relieved, is pure self-deception caused by paralysis of the centers of attention and self-control. Sick hell of receiving any dose of alcohol falls into a state of euphoria, and him everything, even his own disease, it appears in pink color. In fact the intake of alcohol in any quantity only exacerbates the process and brings harm to humans .
- No wonder people say: "River starts with a trickle, and drunkenness with wine glasses". Think about this fact. From the point of view of infectiousness habits of drinking, more dangerous hazards are not drunkards and alcoholics, because, looking at them, no one will have the desire to imitate them. More contagious example of those who drink "moderately", "cultural" who drinks, "observing ritual" and t.. d. So sorry, our media is well "worked" hard to ensure wider and more tempting to provide the meal. Rare film without glasses, sumptuous feasts and toasts. People enthusiastically drink after these toasts, almost mystically relying on the fact that the empty glass or a stack is the best app for dreams. Children become spectators and witnesses, and then the accomplices in the consumption of alcohol, because they mimic their parents on a subconscious level.
- Many researchers have shown that if children ask to play the birthday or in the wedding party, they reproduce, to copy games the attributes of the adult meal — sit at the common table, open bottles, clink glasses, say a toast, go wobbly. A survey of 100 boys in one of the kindergartens showed that 97% of children, well described by drunkenness. Kindergarten age is starting to form a view about alcohol as a special, obligatory companion of celebrations and gatherings, the attractive symbol of adulthood. Yes, 11-12 years, adolescents are forming quite stable patterns of relationships and alcoholism. They copy their parents and loved ones.
- Teenagers assert themselves bigger issue'. Zn. In such companies cultivated euphoria. Teens are projecting on alcoholism his ideas about courage, manhood, adulthood, each other induce someone drunker than who shouts louder or laughs or screams, who swagger behaves. The behavior of many flashy, demonstrative, hysterical. Usually included loud music, amplifying the destructive behavior.
- According to statistics, drinkers live on average 10-15 years less. Smokers for 8 years. That directly shows the harm of alcohol on the human body.
- Briefly answer the question of why people drink, I must say: I drink it because it is a drug that is widely advertised and freely sold. Drink because the alcohol made legalizirovat drug and sell it at a cheap price.
- There is a misconception that alcohol must be taken "for fun". Really fun and laughter — very important moments in a person's life. They give rest to the brain, distracting thoughts hell everyday worries than strengthen the nervous system, preparing it to let the new work and care. But laughter and fun are only useful in those cases when they arise in a sober person. Drunken revelry there can be no scientific and reasonable understanding of this condition. Drunken "fun" is not that other, as excitation under anesthesia is the first stage of anesthesia, the stage of excitation, which the surgeons see on a daily basis when giving the patient other drugs (ether, chloroform, morphine, etc.), those that are in their effect identical with the alcohol and just like alcohol, are drugs. This stage of excitation nothing to do with fun not may, and after it there is no rest of the nervous system. On the contrary, instead of rest comes the jump with all the consequences (headache, lethargy, weakness, unwillingness to work, etc.). That is never observed when sober fun. So alcohol is not a friend but an enemy of fun. It negates the time that the person diverts for fun and relaxation. Instead, he gets a headache and fatigue. Similarly, alcohol acts in fatigue. A day off is given to man both physically and Razumova rested and with new forces, with phenomena which were the desire to work went to work after the holidays.
- Alcohol creates the illusion of stress relief. In fact, tension in the brain and the entire nervous system is preserved, and when the hop voltage is even bigger than Yes, making wine. Hello Yes this is the weakening of will and fatigue.
- The innate need to drink beer, wine, vodka, etc. in people there. Had it not been for the light alcoholic products and traditions of their drinks, without them we could safely stay and not to cause harm to your body and friends.
- For conscious choice "to drink or not to drink" one should know how alcohol affects our body. "Advertisers" can compose any legends AB the usefulness of alcohol. In television commercials beer called "right", "life-giving", "for real men", trying to "bind" alcoholic beverages, sexual, national, Patriotic, high-status characteristics of people. Not to be deceived it is helpful to have objective information and to learn how to counteract the advertising.
- After drinking alcohol increases urine output (diuresis), then there is the loss of water and salts. After intoxication google + thirst, "pulls" on the brine and mineral water. Short systematic overview of the real effects of alcohol on all types of metabolism in a living organism leads Yes one conclusion: all types of metabolism are violated. It is this set of "killer" effects determines the antiseptic action of ethyl alcohol and must be an obstacle to its use as a beverage.
- The phrase "spirits" is incorrect. "Drinks" should have nutritional value, contain substances participating in the diet. Yes, they include proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral substances, vitamins. In alcohol they are not. In brandies, wines and Beers is very small. To gain their daily amount you need to drink this amount of these fluids in which the alcohol content is many times greater than its lethal dose.
- For the money spent on booze you can, for example, to buy a car. You can calculate yourself how many months and years you are spending money on alcohol.
- Often there are links to studies of foreign scientists, such as number of institutions from Munich, proving that beer helps with many diseases. First of all, it should be noted that all such studies have been conducted with the financial support of the alcohol industry. Therefore, these results are found through the media, but they are difficult to detect in severely esneh scientific journals, because such journals usually ask authors to specify the funding source of the study, and in the case that this phenomenon is the alcohol or tobacco industry, the publication of such studies is perceived as a sign of bad taste.
- In your power to get rid of another one of dependence to become free and happy!