Alcohol, as a poison, is recognized by many great poets, scientists and, most importantly, doctors. Despite this, there is a modern medical opinion that moderate doses do not harm the human body, but, on the contrary, are useful. But, such a theory is considered incorrect. On average, a person has about 17 liters of pure alcohol. That amount that a citizen drinks in a year.
Why do 10% of accidents, thefts and the like occur and 40% end up in hospital wards for health reasons after a while? It's all the fault of the regular use of alcohol.
What happens to the body with constant use of alcohol
After drinking alcohol, a system failure occurs - stress to the body. It produces endogenous alcohol, responsible for the emotional state: love, joy, happiness.When artificial alcohol enters, all these emotional regulators fall asleep and, with constant alcohol consumption, they atrophy. A mental breakdown begins: a person can no longer enjoy the ordinary things in the house, he needs to increase the dose of alcohol to acquire at least a little pleasure this way. This company is regularly involved in individuals who drink moderately. For them, a non-alcoholic vacation is not a vacation.
Stages of degradation of people with constant use:
- In this stage, the person gradually degrades. He can no longer perform simple household tasks and deal with basic problems. This stage is called decompensation. After that comes the disease of alcoholism.
- In the last stage, the person does not understand anything, except where to get money for alcohol. He's like a drug addict who can carry and sell household items and utensils to quench his thirst for alcohol. Alcoholics are justified by the fact that they are not drunk, but simply because they have a constant hangover.
Regardless of people's status, famous people can also get sick. All due to the fact that they consume alcohol every day, and in moderation. This is a clear sign that modern medicine is grossly mistaken about the benefits of alcohol.
The consequences of regular and correct drinking

From a medical point of view, alcohol should be consumed according to the following rules: daily drink a glass of wine or a glass of vodka. Just add that this amount needs to be divided into 24 hours a day, that is, a few drops per minute.
If a person smokes and drinks at the same time, accelerated aging will dominate him.After prolonged alcoholism, the human face becomes:
- in red;
- with protruding vessels; swollen
- ;
- rough;
- in the last step is blue.
This phenomenon occurs due to the negative effect of alcohol on the vessels and epithelium of the skin. Internal organs are also subject to destructive effects.
Alcohol is not only a poison for health, but it also disorients society.Your psyche is broken, it has no personal values and guidelines. You can do shameful things in front of many people.
If you dig deeper into the damage of alcohol to the body, you will see that there are many diseases in the form:
- liver cirrhosis;
- premature aging;
- delirium;
- alcoholic encephalopathy;
- myocardial dystrophy;
- impotence; acute pancreatitis;
- neurotization and poisoning.
This is not a complete list of diseases associated with chronic alcohol use.
A person who has lived for a few months without a drop of alcohol experiences new sensations as he changes his worldview. In his eyes, the whole world is changing, and the gray days of the past take on bright colors. The right flow of thoughts begins. The mental emotional background is improving. Life becomes eventful, bright and happy.
Why teenagers shouldn't drink alcohol
The harms of alcoholic beverages are known to all adults. Even a small binge will not do much harm to the party, as the adult body is capable of living with this disease. But, for the child's body, the double damage effect occurs.
The formation of a child's body stops after a few decades. Statistics show that it is during these years that most young people start drinking alcohol. It is good that the child just tries and draws negative conclusions. But, worst of all, regular use becomes, after the first glass of alcohol, the teenager decided that nothing bad would happen to it.
During this period of age, maturation begins to form: intelligence, the intensity of body growth and puberty develops. At this age, you should play sports, eat well with the vitamin and mineral content of food.
Under favorable conditions, the adolescent organism is properly formed. But the development slows down with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. At such an early age, alcohol has a detrimental effect on all organs and intelligence, and early degradation occurs. A young organism expends all its energy to maintain itself in some normal state, but development stops at the same time.
But even in this fight, the forces are not the same, because the teenager is not trained and the body does not have enough strength to face the consequences of alcohol. It is much easier for an adult to face the harmful consequences, but in case alcohol consumption does not occur very often. At a young age, intellectual development begins to slow down and all vital organs suffer. After a short period of alcoholism, irreversible consequences can occur.
Young people don't want to think about it, because alcohol is foggy and fun. At that time, it is necessary to intervene to parents who are forced to talk about the dangers of alcohol. A young striker will never ruin himself that way. You won't escape growth, but the question arises - how will a teenager grow up after that? All dreams and ideas go down the drain and, having matured, begin to think, "why it was necessary to do this. " In addition, they also acquire many diseases and a deteriorated psyche.
Why you should not drink alcohol during pregnancy
Modern medicine has yet to find a normal dose for pregnant women, so alcohol has been completely excluded for women in this position. To refuse, you must reduce your daily servings by one per week, so you can completely refuse. If you drink five servings a day, your child will be born with pathological abnormalities.

Alcohol enters the child's body through the placenta.Serious deviations of the child during pregnancy:
- The growing fetus is severely harmed if a woman abuses alcohol. A child can be born with facial abnormalities, alcohol negatively affects the baby's internal organs.
- If the mother is drinking, in the future it will affect the deviation of the child's nervous system, as well as the coordination of movements will be impaired and the learning capacity will be weak. The pathology will remain for life.
- If it is internal development with abnormalities that were subsequently caused by drunkenness, then this is called ARP - "alcoholic disorder of the fetus". The term defines the mass of congenital diseases in varying degrees.
- In the case of TSA - "fetal alcohol syndrome", there are anomalies in the structure of the face. This is a very difficult case. The fruit is low in weight and height, and development practically stops.
- Alcohol abuse can cause miscarriage or premature birth.
Alcohol syndrome is not treatable, so pregnant women should think about their children's future.
Dangers of alcohol during pregnancy
The level of threat of alcohol to the developing fetus consists of several factors:
- the amount of alcohol consumed during pregnancy;
- in which period of pregnancy alcoholic beverages are consumed;
- the daily consumption of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy.

The most damaging effects can occur when drinking alcohol in the last third trimester. During this period, the fetus begins to actively develop, especially the baby's brain. But that doesn't mean that you can drink alcohol in the first trimester; in the early stage of development, severe alcoholic consequences can also form.
Competent experts cannot give a definitive answer about the dangers of alcohol during pregnancy. They recommend the total elimination of alcoholic beverages. But gynecologists say there is no evidence that alcohol can negatively affect the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, they allow a few drinks a week.
The Ministry of Health recommends the total elimination of alcoholic beverages during pregnancy, as well as for those women who wish to become pregnant. Despite medical research, it has shown that pregnant women can safely drink a glass of wine every week.
If, without knowing about pregnancy, you drink alcoholic beverages, what can this lead to
Most women can drink alcohol without knowing about their pregnancy; this phenomenon occurs very often. If use was rare until the woman learned of her pregnancy, perhaps no pathology will occur.
Most people can get pregnant under the influence of alcohol; in this case, children are also born in good health. Everything depends on the health of the body, for some it is stronger, for others it is weaker. It is important to drop this completely when a pregnancy is identified.
To replace alcohol, you need to find an alternative. For these purposes, ordinary juice is suitable, which is not only harmless, but also contains vitamins useful for the body. During a period of refusal, you should not be in the company of people who drink, this temptation will only involve you again in harmful activity. Better to read books or do something similar and fun.