Allen Carr's easy way to stop drinking provides readers with a detailed description of his unique technique. The method invented by Allen Carr is able to help a person eliminate alcohol from his life and get rid of addiction in a short time.
Reading this book is useful not only for those who are addicted to alcohol. It can bring tangible benefits in cases where alcohol consumption is done in moderation, but the habit has stopped bringing pleasure and the patient cannot completely abandon alcohol. The author notes that the problem often lies in the illusions that the environment imposes on a person.
Some addicts use alcohol to improve mood and sleep. As a result, it starts to look like they can easily solve any problems that arise with the help of another bottle or glass. Alcoholic beverages have a certain dangerous property - they successfully mask real problems, in no way contributing to their solution. At the same time, in life and at work, this departure from a solution can only create new difficulties.
A person does not always have time to notice when things go far. Some, after assessing the problem, start looking for an easy way to stop drinking, but it takes a strong incentive to succeed. In severe cases, only a specialized clinic can help.
Allen Carr's Easy Way to Stop Drinking is written for people who will face the bad habit on their own.
Who is Allen Carr?

British citizen Allen Carr founded The Easy Way Clinic, which has become an extensive network of drug treatment clinics. He started his journey by fighting his addictions. As a smoker with thirty years of experience, he found a method that helped him deal with addiction. At age 49, he smoked his last cigarette in 1983.
The ex-smoker has decided to pass on his method to other people suffering from addiction. He exposed his experience in a book and began to convey the idea of an easy and convenient method to get rid of addiction. Then he started to get involved in other methods and created a weight loss guide to get rid of alcohol addiction. Books containing Allen Carr's method for those who want to lose weight, stop drinking, use nicotine or get rid of fear of flying have been published in more than 20 million copies. English texts have been translated into 20 languages worldwide.
After Allen Carr passed away, his methods helped millions more. The number of countries in which Easy Method clinics are open totals at least three dozen. Every day they accept many people who want to deal with addiction and start a sober life.
What is the method?
The main idea of the book "How to Stop Drinking" by Alain Kara is that, after some effort, everyone is able to give up alcohol without problems. It contains detailed guidelines to help you deal with alcohol addiction and return to your normal life.
There are no special conditions required to use the guide. No matter how long the patient has been abusing alcohol, his drinking preferences and previous attempts are indifferent. The author's technique is described in a simple and understandable language and is suitable for everyone.
The author also adds in his book that in order to be successful with the use of his literary work it is essential to follow simple but important rules. The manual should be read in a good mood. The reader must be sober to improve understanding and success in working on himself. It is important to read the book to the end, but during the reading period, there is no prohibition on drinking alcohol.
Getting rid of alcohol by the author's method is based on the exclusion of consciousness from behavioral programs massively introduced into the consciousness of a modern person through advertising materials, standards considered common for consumption. By destroying these stereotypes, freedom from addiction can be achieved without considerable effort and discomfort.
The destruction of stereotypes stored in the brain and the elimination of illusions are done at the expense of the alcoholic's own efforts. When he performs introspection, all existing settings are cleared. Therefore, there is no need to resort to hypnosis or coding procedures. There is no pressure on the patient, no intimidation.
The main advantage of the method lies in the absence of a hangover at the beginning. A patient with alcohol dependence does not need additional infusion and detoxification therapy, he does not need medical help. The drugs are not used in therapy. All the patient needs is to read the entire book to the end.
Effects of therapy
After the addict reads the guide written by Alain Kar, he will be able to eliminate addiction from his life for a long time. This statement is true about 40% of the time, the rest of the readers gain the ability to fight the desire for alcohol. The refusal to use intoxicating drinks passes without difficulties, while the patient does not feel fear or anxiety, he gets rid of the illusions about alcoholism.
Reading Allen Carr's book allows you to stop drinking and continue living a completely happy life, being a successful and obstinate person. After giving up alcohol, the patient does not feel the stress of leading a sober lifestyle, but, on the contrary, likes it.
But psychologists also see a significant disadvantage to this technique. The ability to easily tackle the task of getting rid of alcoholism, in all its simplicity, can quickly negate the beneficial effect. People are not willing to take care of what they receive without much difficulty. Therefore, after reading the book, alcoholics, who managed to get rid of addiction and inspired by their willpower, soon return to drinking alcohol.
Method details
Alcoholism can bring many problems and difficulties to the person, which he may not immediately notice. The drinker causes serious damage to his own health, because due to the antisocial behavior characteristic of drunks, he can not only cripple his own life, but also bring many problems to the people around him, his family.
Children who grow up in a family of alcoholics from an early age get used to scandals and fights. This lifestyle deprives children of the opportunity to develop psychologically calmly. Not only does his capacity for self-realization suffer, but so does his psyche. Furthermore, adults who drink can expose children to physical dangers.

The main misconception of those who are going to treat alcohol dependence for themselves or a relative is that the process seems expensive or too long. Recovery may not come soon. Rehabilitation can take anywhere from six months to several years. Not everyone can complete the treatment to the end. Narcology specialists are not always able to fight for the patient if he is not interested. Those who learn about alternative therapies for addiction may not be ready to use them.
There is often distrust on the part of patients with the intention of recovering, who are asked to read Alan Carr's book, The Easy Way to Stop Drinking. The very idea that they can deal with an addiction just by reading a book seems incredible or false to them. But as confirmation, it is possible to mention not tens or even hundreds, but hundreds of thousands of cases of diseases that, with the help of Allen Carr's work, were able to recover completely.
The successful result of applying the technique should not be considered a complete cure for the disease - alcoholism, according to experts, has no total cure. But the person gains the ability to deal with the addiction and control his condition.
You can list the following features of the method presented in the book:
- The main condition for successful work on yourself is the need to comply with all the author's recommendations. There are few rules - only seven, and they must be followed to the letter.
- Dependent people tend to suffer from unwillingness. For the successful application of this technique, significant volitional efforts are not necessary.
- It should be noted that healthy skepticism is encouraged when using the method - many similar developments, on the contrary, reject it.
- When reading Allen Carr's How To Stop Drinking manual, read in order, without looking at the following chapters.
- Which is especially convenient - the technique does not imply a total refusal to drink while reading. Even its reduction is unintentional. The only condition is to start reading the next section with a sober head.
In reality, many alcohol addicts find it difficult to believe that it is easy to stop drinking and get rid of a bad habit. After reading a book on how to stop drinking, not everyone can deal with addiction. The reason for this is a lack of motivation or poor enforcement of the rules.
Allen Carr The easy way to stop drinking, guide reviews
According to the readers' reviews, it really helps to give up addiction. But the technique works in cases where the initial addict himself strongly intends to abandon the abuse. He must work hard to understand what he has read and follow the methods described. The disadvantage of the proposed method is that the book must be reread periodically to maintain the effect.