The question of how to stop drinking is often faced by a person who has independently made this decision, realizing how harmful it is to your health and how your lifestyle changes. It also occurs in relatives, close people, in whose family there is a person who drinks and does not want to be treated, or for whatever reason does not recognize himself as an alcoholic. In the latter case, relatives try to secretly treat you, pouring, pouring any medium into your drink or food.
How can you make a person part of a bottle
There are several psychological methods to influence a drinker and help him to stop drinking. They are appropriate in the event that personality degradation has not yet occurred and the person still doesn’t give a damn about himself:
- People who have at least a little willpower stop drinking "for challenge", especially if there is a great deal of material interest at stake. "I stopped drinking! " He says proudly. In fact, there is something to be proud of here.
- There are many known cases where prayers addressed to the icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice of the Mother of God have helped heal an alcoholic.
- Often, alcoholics are helped by the fear of losing a loved one or child to stop drinking.
It is possible to solve the problem of how to stop drinking with the help of medicines and folk remedies. It all depends on the person's desire and mood, and at what stage of alcoholism he suffers.
For each person with alcoholism, it is necessary to apply an individual decision about the treatment also because it is necessary to take into account their general state of health, the presence of chronic, allergic diseases, the mental state.
It is possible that stopping drinking abruptly is contraindicated for him for medical reasons. In such cases, you need to do this gradually. To determine which method is suitable for your specific case, you need to consider each of the options below.

How to stop drinking with coding
Talking about how I stopped drinking, many ex-drinkers recommend turning to traditional medicine, therapy is carried out using drug coding, including hypnosis. There are several types of encoding.
The advantage of this method is that the coding is done by a specialist and the patient is under his control. The doctor prescribes the dosage of medications based on the patient's history and monitors the course of treatment. In the event of health deterioration, the doctor adjusts the prescribed treatment: reduces the dosage, introduces an antidote, substitutes the drugs and prescribes a complex treatment.
Medication coding
Oral or implantable medications are offered to the patient.
The action of these drugs is based on the principles of containing alcohol consumption, since when combined with alcohol, the patient shows signs of dizziness, weakness, nausea, heart rhythm disturbances, epileptic seizures.
If taking oral medications leads to unpleasant consequences, then implantable coding, in addition to the same reaction to alcohol, is also a painful procedure.
With the implanted coding, a 3 to 4 cm deep incision is made in the patient's skin and the tablets are implanted in this cavity, which subsequently dissolve. An injection of local anesthesia is administered before the incision.
Implants are commonly known as Torpedo. In addition, the implanted coding is necessarily accompanied by a provocation, that is, the doctor gives the patient a sip of alcohol, from which begins a serious deterioration of his health, caused by nausea, increased blood pressure, vomiting and weakness. After that, an antidote is introduced, which removes all these consequences. After such a provocation, the patient is afraid to drink.

Coding by the method of a psychiatrist-narcologist
This method has been proven for several decades. The essence of the method is the hypnotic effect on a sick person. At the same time, the patient is not immersed in a deep sleep, but it is suggested that he refuse alcohol for a certain period of time in an awake person. The main condition for using this method is a strong desire to get rid of alcohol and refuses to take it 6 to 7 days before this procedure.
The advantages of this method are that the coding takes place in one session, the treatment is done anonymously, without transferring information to a narcology clinic, the method combines well with other treatment procedures and forms indifference to alcohol. This doctor is the author of the term "coding", this method is deservedly considered the best in the world. The disadvantages of the method include the fact that, when coding, it gives an instruction to stop drinking for a while. Some coders wait for the day when the effect of the method loses its strength, after which they can start drinking again.
Laser coding for alcoholism
Since this method involves exposing the body to laser radiation, it is applied after a thorough health check and under the supervision of a doctor. Laser irradiation is performed several times to obtain the effect. The purpose of this method is to influence the patient's blood, which is being purified. Since this method has many contraindications and side effects, it is not used very often, although it is effective enough to stop drinking.

Coding alcoholism through hypnosis
This is perhaps the most famous and widespread form of coding. Hypnosis forms a fear of alcohol consumption in the patient for the purpose of self-preservation. The advantages of this method are that the person does not need to take special medications. For treatment, you only need the desire to stop drinking and an experienced specialist.
Provocation is also provided, as with implanted coding, only in smaller doses. The patient receives a few drops of alcohol on his tongue, after which his health worsens, suffocating. All of these symptoms disappear after the doctor has administered the antidote. In addition to an aversion to alcohol, the patient has an attitude that every time he tries alcohol all these symptoms will be repeated.
How to stop drinking using traditional medicine
Some former Green Serpent fans use traditional medicine, and their stories of "how I stopped drinking" have no medical connection. When using herbs, you need to be very careful, as many herbs used to treat alcoholism are very poisonous and can lead to bad consequences. Therefore, prior to that, a consultation with a doctor is required.
The main advantage of treatment with traditional medicine is that, in this case, it can be performed in secret by a patient who refuses to be treated voluntarily. In order not to harm the patient, you should first try to give a small dose of herbal decoction, which is planned to be treated, in order to exclude an allergenic reaction and rejection of this potion. Some of these resources can be passed on to the patient without revealing the real reason, but, for example, explaining their use to increase immunity.

Honey Heal
The method of this cure is based on taking honey regularly on a strict schedule. It is necessary for the patient to take 6 tablespoons of honey every 20 minutes, then an interval of two hours is made, and the procedure is repeated again.
The next day, before breakfast, you need to use the honey again at the same dosage, before taking the honey, you can even give the patient a hangover. After breakfast, the patient should eat another 6 tablespoons of honey, but already teaspoons, not tablespoons. If this treatment is carried out for 3-4 days, the patient will develop an aversion to alcohol.
Healing bees
Another remedy that not only cures drunkenness, but also improves immunity. It is necessary on the first day, with the help of tweezers, to place a bee on the back of the hand and wait for the sting, then pull out the sting left by the bee.
Do this for 5-7 days (depending on how you feel), adding a bee every day. After that, count down by decreasing one bee each day and reduce it to one. This method is very effective, but it is contraindicated for allergies to bees.
Lemon Cure
It is also very effective, but strictly prohibited for stomach ulcers and gastritis. For a month, you need to drink freshly squeezed juice of 3-4 lemons a day, diluted in 100 ml of water. Add 3-4 teaspoons of sugar to this solution.
Herbal tea treatment
To prepare this tea, you need a proportion of herbs consisting of 1 part mint, wormwood and millefeuille and 0. 5 part juniper berries, marsh calamus and angelica roots. All of these plants are prepared with a glass of boiled water, and this drink is given to the patient for 2 weeks, 3-4 times a day. After that, you need to take a five-day break and, again, do the entire cycle of drinking this tea. To finally get rid of alcohol addiction, you need to drink this tea for 3-5 months. You can also add thyme, bitter sorrel, centaury, thyme, syrup, St. John's wort to this tea.
Laurel liqueur
For this tincture, add 2-3 bay leaves to 250 ml of vodka and keep in a warm place for 10-14 days. After that, 8-10 days before a meal, give the patient 2-3 tablespoons to drink each time. The use of such a remedy is accompanied by severe indigestion and nausea, which discourages the desire to drink alcohol.
Dye treatment for forest insects
If there is an opportunity to find these exotic healers, you will need to add some vodka insects and let them ferment for 24 hours. Strain the finished tincture, give the patient to drink in any amount. The resulting smell and taste will discourage the desire for alcohol forever.
Powder treatment of lobster shell
This powder requires only cooked crayfish shells. The resulting powder should be added to the patient's food 2-3 times a day, half a teaspoon. This remedy causes nausea and vomiting and therefore relieves alcohol addiction.

Treatment with a tincture of walnut earrings
Hazel catkins must be harvested during flowering. ¾ of the container is filled with these earrings and they are filled with good vodka.
For 10 days, the tincture is kept in a dark place, after which the broth is filtered and drunk to the patient in unlimited quantities. The very specific taste and smell give persistent rejection of alcoholic beverages.
Inhalation of birch buds
Sprinkle 1-2 tablespoons of birch buds on a plate, sprinkle with a pinch of sugar on top and place on the fire. When they burn, they must be extinguished so that they start to burn, giving off smoke. The patient must inhale this smoke for 15-20 minutes. The course of this inhalation lasts 5 to 8 times.
Kale seed treatment
One of the simplest, simplest and most effective methods. 30-40 minutes before drinking alcohol, eat ½ teaspoon of cabbage seeds. Thanks to this, the time of intoxication decreases and, in time, the patient stops drinking completely.
Treatment with anti-alcohol serum
This is one of the old recipes that has proven to be beneficial. 1 liter of kefir is placed in an 8 liter container, a tablespoon of barley, wheat, rye flour, a spoonful of minced buckwheat and semolina are added to it.
Then, this mixture is poured to the edge with water, mixed with a wooden spoon, covered with a napkin (without cover) and infused at normal room temperature for 3 days. After 3 days, a very tasty and healthy drink is obtained. The drink should be given to a sick person to drink 2-3 times a day, regardless of mealtime. This drink cleanses the liver, kidneys and intestines, thus improving general health and mood, without the need for alcohol.

Cure coffee
The treatment method is based on the use of coffee with the addition of cracked root. It is necessary to prepare Turkish coffee and add ¼ teaspoon of prepared Clefthoof root powder to 50 ml. This coffee is given to an alcoholic to drink once a day. After taking a 2-day break, you need to repeat this treatment.
The main condition to stop drinking with maximum results is, of course, the drinker's own desire and the elimination of the reasons that induce him to drink. Such a person must be socially requested, therefore, the support of his relatives and friends is of great importance. You have to believe that it will change your life for the better when you stop drinking.
Interesting observations from scientists studying alcohol dependence in men and women, who have shown that a person's moral attitude and conviction in their rectitude do much more to make them stop drinking than procedures, herbs and pills. Patients who drank received pacifiers under the guise of an effective new drug. The effect was overwhelming. People fought addiction perfectly with their own bodily forces. This method can be used when the person decides to give up the bottle. The percentage of those who recovered is quite large, about 80 people out of 100.